
Betty’s Guide To:

A year-long digital campaign and landing page/hub created to showcase themed recipe content, promoted via email. The branding was designed to have a consistent look throughout the year but also flexible enough to change to/highlight a number of seasons and holidays via color and copy change. Other assets created were style guides, ad units, email graphics, and social post designs.

iMac showing the Guide to Halloween page on Betty
MacBook Pro showing the Facebook page of the Betty Crocker Guide to Thanksgiving.
iPad and iPhone displayed vertically showing the Guide to Easter and Christmas pages on Betty

Slow Cooker Showcase:

An email/site campaign that highlighted a different slow-cooker recipe each day throughout February of that year. I designed the lockup and created the visual style to appeal to users who are looking for warm and comforting dinner options during the coldest part of the winter. I then took the branding and produced a range of assets that drove users to the campaign: branding header/banners, Facebook and Pinterest posts, ad units and email newsletters graphics.

MacBook Pro showing the Facebook page of the Betty Crocker Slow Cooker Showcase.
iMac showing the Slow Cooker Showcase page on Betty
iPad and iPhone displayed vertically showing the Betty Crocker Slow Cooker Showcase in email form.


